Can felons get financial aid?
Those who have been convicted of felonies and misdemeanors and have
served their time often question their future. In today's world a
future of success usually requires a college education, but education
requires money. Scholarships and student loans are available for most
individuals looking for a college degree, but what about those with a
past record?
Private loans are available for nearly anyone needing financial
assistance. In nearly every case, those with drug convictions are not
eligible for government assistance and some loans. Most felonies do not
hinder students from acquiring education, but sometimes felonies in a
related field can cause problems for an individual.
Lists of college scholarships can be found in library books and online.
Getting a job in the meantime is a good start for applications. For
most students, beginning education at a community college is the
cheapest way to get an education. Many community colleges have night
classes and can help with working around schedules.
FAFSA is another road to take but can only be taken by the few. Those
with past convictions of possessing or selling illegal substances or
those with convictions still on their records are not eligible to apply
for grants and scholarships through FAFSA. Convictions must be removed
before applying. Pell Grants and Stafford Loans are also available
through FAFSA. Some colleges even use FAFSA to determine state, local,
and school-related scholarships and grants
Financial Aid Officers
Much of the time schools require new students to make appointments with
financial aid officers. These officers can help when deciding which
scholarships are available and which are not. They are also able to
point out both local and state grants and scholarships in specific
areas. However each state has different laws about past felonies and
eligibility, so speaking to a financial aid officer can help sort out
the right financial path to take.
FAFSA forms should be filled out regardless of current status as some
scholarships require the form even if the scholarship is not through
FAFSA. A financial aid officer can help determine which scholarships
require this form. As long as a past felony was not related to drugs, a
convicted felon is eligible to apply for loans and financial aid like
any other college student
Those looking for financial aid must meet a list of requirements under
federal law. These include being a US citizen or an eligible
non-citizen, having a valid Social Security Number -- which does not
include the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of
Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau -- being registered with
Selective Service for males between eighteen- and
twenty-five-years-old, having a high school diploma or a General
Education Development Certificate or having passed an approved exam by
the US Department of Education, and being enrolled or accepted for
enrollment as a student who is working towards a degree or certificate
in a program through a school that is eligible for financial aid
All of these are necessary before applying for financial aid as well as
a non-drug-related conviction while receiving federal student aids,
including loans, work-study, and grants.
Felony Class D
Louisiana Felony
Maine Felony
Minnesota Felony External link (opens in new window)
Mississippi Felony External link (opens in new window)
Missouri Felony External link (opens in new window)
- Felony laws by state
- List of felony crimes
- Classes of felonies
- To face felony charges
- Jobs for convicted felons
- Employment for felons
- Felony 2
- Class 5 Felony
- Felony Class D
- Read real felony stories
- Felony DUI
- Felony Gun Laws
- Can I get a job with a felony on my record?
- What makes robbery a felony?
- Is theft a felony?
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- Can I obtain a passport with a felony?
- Felony Murder Rule
- Hiring a felon
- Felony vs. Misdemeanor
- Can felons get financial aid?
- Difference between bail and bond
- Failure to Appear Warrants
- Violation of Probation
- Texas Gun Law
- Nolle Prosequi
- Felony Lawyers
- Search free arrest warrants
- Is a DUI a felony?
- Misdemeanor Guide
- Expungement Guide
- State Laws
- List of Felonies