Class 5 Felony
Class 5 Felony Basics
A Class 5 Felony carries a less severe penalty than that of a Class 1
(2, 3 or 4) Felony. It is considered a lesser felony offense, however
it is more serious than a Class 6 Felony. Jail terms for a Class 5
Felonies include presumptively eighteen months with a minimum of nine
months and a maximum of twenty-four months of incarceration. A
presumptive term can be lowered in mitigated circumstances to six
months. Aggravated circumstances can change a term up to thirty months
These definitions do vary by state, so you will want to look up the
exact class type in your state (Class 5 felonies may not exist in your
Class 5 felonies include various discrepancies that can include incest,
aggravated assault, distribution conspiracy of drugs, conspiracy to
distribute, trespassing with intent, and the performance of illegal
medical procedures. There are many more crimes that are classified as
Class 5 felonies.
Class 5 felonies are tried by a judge or by a jury, who may choose jail
up to twelve months and a fine up to twenty-five hundred dollars, an
imprisonment from one to ten years, or both circumstances combined.
This kind of felony varies in each state. Some states do not even have
Class 5 Felonies. Fines can be doubled along with imprisonment terms
depending on the state of residence. For instance, a Class 5 Felony in
Colorado can range from a year imprisonment with a one thousand dollar
fine for a minimum sentence to three years in prison with a one hundred
thousand dollar fine for a maximum sentence. This is comparable to
Virginia Class 5 Felonies where imprisonment ranges from no less than a
year to no more than ten years imprisonment. At times, depending on the
jury, this may change to twelve months imprisonment with a twenty-five
hundred dollar fine.
Repeat Offenses
At times a person may be charged with multiple felonies at once. In the
case of two felony offenses that are not committed at the same time
with no prior history of felony conviction, a person can presumptively
face an eighteen month sentence with a pending minimum of nine months
and a maximum of twenty-four months imprisonment. In mitigated
circumstances these can be lowered by a few months or raised depending
on the crimes at hand.
In the case of a category two repeat offender, someone who has been
convicted of three or more felonies not committed at the same time,
jail terms will most likely escalate. Offenses are usually consolidated
and can sometimes be considered as a past history of convictions.
Penalties for multiple Class 5 Felonies include a presumptive jail term
of twenty-seven months that can turn into a minimum of eighteen months
or a maximum of thirty-six months. Like other circumstances, these can
be mitigated to twelve months minimum or three years and nine months
Those with three repeated Class 5 Felony offenses can serve as little
as three years in prison to as much as seven years and six months with
Dangerous Offenses
Those being charged with a dangerous Class 5 Felony will most often be
sentences to a minimum two years in prison with a maximum of four
years. This can be aggravated if the offense is a repeat of a former
offense. These sentences can escalate up to eight years. In Arizona any
dangerous Class 5 Felony is defined as only less than one hundred fifty
thousand dollars.
- Felony laws by state
- List of felony crimes
- Classes of felonies
- To face felony charges
- Jobs for convicted felons
- Employment for felons
- Felony 2
- Class 5 Felony
- Felony Class D
- Read real felony stories
- Felony DUI
- Felony Gun Laws
- Can I get a job with a felony on my record?
- What makes robbery a felony?
- Is theft a felony?
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- Felony Murder Rule
- Hiring a felon
- Felony vs. Misdemeanor
- Can felons get financial aid?
- Difference between bail and bond
- Failure to Appear Warrants
- Violation of Probation
- Texas Gun Law
- Nolle Prosequi
- Felony Lawyers
- Search free arrest warrants
- Is a DUI a felony?
- Misdemeanor Guide
- Expungement Guide
- State Laws
- List of Felonies