Texas Gun Laws
There are basically two levels of gun laws in Texas: the state and
federal law. Although Texas resident must comply with the federal laws
regarding handgun and rifle possession, there are state laws which
apply only to residents while they are in the state. Every gun owner
should familiarize themselves with these laws to insure safe ownership.
In Texas, it falls to the Texas Department of Public Safety to
provide all the pertinent gun law details as well as processing the
applications for the conceal and carry registration. If you live in
Texas and plan to purchase or already own a gun, you should definitely
bookmark TDPS website.
Texas Gun Permits
In Texas, as with most other states, there is a distinction made
between handguns versus shotguns and rifles. In Texas, you do not need
a permit to purchase a gun or rifle. You also do not need to register
those weapons or have a license to be an owner of a handgun or rifle.
There is a distinction made with regard to the right to carry a gun.
Simply put you can't carry a rifle but you can carry a concealed
However, if you are on your own property, are hunting or involved in a
shooting activity such as at an exhibition or gun range you are
permitted to openly carry your handgun and/or rifle and shotgun.
All of this boils down to the simple conclusion that if you are a Texas
resident, above the age of 21 without any criminal restrictions you can
buy and own a gun. This also includes any ammunition, firearm
accessories or reloading components.
Texas Gun Restrictions
Just because there aren't any strident permit restrictions to owning or
buying a gun doesn't mean there aren't some general restrictions that
you need to follow as a Texas resident. First of all, you are not
allowed to lend, buy, or give a gun, rifle or shotgun to anyone under
the age of 18 without the written consent of their parent or guardian.
You might have good intentions to want to teach a favorite nephew,
niece, cousin or even younger brother or sister all about gun safety
and handling but you need to get permission first. Even if it's your
own parents, get it in writing.
You also can't give a gun to anyone who you know is going to commit an
unlawful act or who might be intoxicated. That's obviously common
sense. However, if you do cross that line you will and can be held
responsible for that person's actions. If you have been convicted of a
felony crime or Class A misdemeanor you will not be allowed to purchase
or own a gun of any kind.
Texas Concealed Carry Gun Laws
If you are a qualified resident of Texas you are permitted to apply for
a conceal carry gun permit. This pertains only to handguns. The
applications can be obtained by the gun store you bought the gun from
or directly through the Texas Department of Public Safety. As the name
implies, concealed carry means that your handgun needs to be concealed
on your person. Although it might seem appropriate in Texas to have a
holster and six shooter, that is against the law unless you are on your
own property or involved with a sport activity.
If you are driving and have a concealed carry permit your handgun still
needs to be concealed. It can be loaded and within reach but still has
to be concealed. You can't have it sitting in your lap or on the seat
beside you. Even with a concealed handgun license you're restricted
from carrying that firearm at the following locations:
A bar, any court, any school or college, an amusement park, nursing
home, hospital, place of worship, race track, polling place on a day of
an election, airport, and prison. And if you have a concealed carry
permit and become intoxicated, you are breaking the law.
In order to obtain the concealed carry permit along with the proper
application you will need to present two color passport photos,
fingerprints, proof of residency and age as well as certification from
a licensed handgun instructor.
Texas Felony
Texas Misdemeanor External link (opens in new window)
Texas Expungement External link (opens in new window)
Texas Gun Laws External link (opens in new window)
- Felony laws by state
- List of felony crimes
- Classes of felonies
- To face felony charges
- Jobs for convicted felons
- Employment for felons
- Felony 2
- Class 5 Felony
- Felony Class D
- Read real felony stories
- Felony DUI
- Felony Gun Laws
- Can I get a job with a felony on my record?
- What makes robbery a felony?
- Is theft a felony?
- Is grand theft auto a felony?
- Can I obtain a passport with a felony?
- Felony Murder Rule
- Hiring a felon
- Felony vs. Misdemeanor
- Can felons get financial aid?
- Difference between bail and bond
- Failure to Appear Warrants
- Violation of Probation
- Texas Gun Law
- Nolle Prosequi
- Felony Lawyers
- Search free arrest warrants
- Is a DUI a felony?
- Misdemeanor Guide
- Expungement Guide
- State Laws
- List of Felonies