Nevada Felony

What are the classes of felonies in Nevada, and the accompanying maximum punishment (including fines and prison time)?
Nevada terms felony as a category, not a class.

Category A
is: Murder. Terrorism. Procuring execution of another. Kidnapping, and or, of children. Any sexual assault. Battery of same. Child abuse. Dueling. Category A punishment is a death sentence, or life in prison without parole.

Category B felony is: Burglary with or without a weapon. Home evasion. Prior multiple felony convictions. Habitual fraud convictions. Gassing by a prisoner. Felony B punishment is not less than 1 year minimum, or 20 years maximum, in jail or prison.

Category C is: Violating order against child. Not registering as a sexual offender. Commodities fraud. Real estate fraud of land. Any accessory to felony, whether a public, judicial, juror witness, or executive official who accept bribes. Any harboring, concealing, or treason knowledge of a felon, or felony, Bribery, intimidation, threatening of a witness, or public official. Battery with no weapon. Sexual seduction. Domestic violence. Child abuse, neglect, or conspiracy to. Stalking. Pandering. Violating order to pay child support.

Category C punishment, is not less than 1 year minimum, or a maximum of 5 years, in jail or prison.

Category D is: Bribing, extorting, or fraudulently directing the outcome of an election, or official vote. Failure to register, first time, as a sexual offender. Brokering, or outlicensed adoption of child. Any abduction, or concealment of child. Real estate fraud above $250. Perjury, false evidence, or preventing witness from testifying. Resisting arrest. Concealment, or hindering the discovery of a crime. Fraud of birth certificates. Wiretapping. Manslaughter. Vicious animals. Storage of explosives. that cause death. Detention, concealment, removal of child from person, with lawful custody.

Category D punishment is, not less than 1 year minimum, and not maximum of 4 years, in a jail or prison. Can be fined of not more than $5000.

Category E is: Illegally practicing law. Misconduct of official. Gang recruitment. Distributing, disclosing, displaying images of other, in sexual manner without their knowledge. Child prostitution, and procurement. Interfering with aircraft through lasers. Selling, advertising, or displaying goods with false trademark, over $1000. Identity theft. Graffiti of cost removal, of more than $3000. Falsely using child alert systems. Cell phones to prisoners. Illegally coercing elections.

Class E punishment is not less than 1 year, to a maximum of 4 years, in jail or prison. Fined not more than $5000. Probation, or one year in county jail, or by the execution of the sentence.

Are felonies expungable in Alabama?
Category A and B can be expunged after 15 years, from release of incarceration, probation, or parole has ended. Category C or D, 12 years. Category E, 10 years.

Under what conditions?
Suspended sentence, dismissal, acquittal, or domestic violence, cooperation by defendant, to identify others. Will a felony always be part of the public record (of course it won't if its expunged, but some states seal records after so many years). No. The application must be made for defendant.

See also:
Nevada Misdemeanors External link (opens in new window)
Nevada Expungement External link (opens in new window)
Nevada Gun Laws External link (opens in new window)